LiverpoolGO Tours

"Local Guides, Local Knowledge - The most Inclusive Tours in Liverpool"

Victorian Crime & PunishmentSt George's Hall

This is possibly the only building in the UK where you could be tried for murder, have a ball or listen to a concert all under one roof. Elegant in design and sumptuous in decor, experience the epitome of Victorian life in the raw when you visit St George's Hall.

You will be entertained with amusing and sometimes bone-chilling stories from Liverpool's past and from more recent times.

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Georgian LiverpoolHope Street & Rodney Street

Liverpool was at its trading peak during the late Georgian and early Victorian periods and its affluent merchants were seeking grand houses outside the town centre. It was during this period that Hope Street and Rodney Street were laid out and the building of fine houses began.

Take a journey back in time and learn about the famous residents and rich history of this era. Rodney Street is one of the few streets that would still be recognised by Liverpool's 19th Century residents today.

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Slavery TourThe homes, estates and residences of the merchants:

As Liverpool grew as a port and after the building of the “Old Dock”, the wealthy merchants and slave traders desired to move out of the town centre and began building homes in what was then the outskirts and countryside of the town. This tour will take you through the streets of the affluent, financed by the blood of the enslaved.

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USA, Confederacy & LiverpoolAmerica and Liverpool Connections

There is a long-standing connection between America and Liverpool. People immediately think of Liverpool and the Slave-trade where slaves were transported to work on the plantations in America. Our history goes back much further than that.

Our history goes right back to the beginning when in 1635 Richard Mather travelled to the New World (America) as one of the Pilgrim Fathers - the chapel in Liverpool where he was the first preacher still stands.

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The Original Night OwlA Social Night in Liverpool

Are you the type of person who enjoys exploring the atmosphere of a city at night? Join a local for a couple of drinks in some of Liverpool's atmospheric and traditional bars and pubs before taking a stroll through the lively night-live areas. Perhaps enjoy a meal at a restaurant in Liverpool's China Town?

Be entertained throughout the night with stories and tales told by your guide host before finishing your night in a local casino where you can gamble until dawn or just enjoy the atmosphere.

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